Special Places
The "House" 2512 Clarke Avenue
It's a number you'll never forget....like your service number, social security number, your birthday.
Arriving in the basement kitchen, you ordered your preference for breakfast from Miss Thelma. You looked forward to Lunch between classes. The Dinner was always good Thelma cooking. It got a little hectic when Pledges were eating beans right under your foot. After your last class you looked forward to coming "home" to check your mail; maybe a letter from your sweetheart...or a check from Dad. A break from study allowed for bridge in the parlor, or TV, or a game of "pong" in the basement. If you were feeling raunchy, you could do some Indian wrestling in the living room. The juke box played constantly. You looked forward to new songs added to the juke box. You could practice your dance moves with one of the red poles. After exhaustive study, several brothers would go The Broiler on Hillsboro for a late night snack. If not too late, you could go to the "Mig" and eat a burger on a steamed bun, or have Mable serve up a hot cinnamon bun. When you ran short of cash for a weekend, you go to Rex Hospital where they would give you $25 for a pint of donated blood. You would get excited wondering which band the Social Chairman selected for the weekend party. Some of our favorites were The Tams or The Embers. We had fun with water balloon fights with the Chi house next door. When a brother was "pinned" we took a trip to the Rose Garden where he received his "official" dunking. Initiation of a new brother was a very solemn, but heartwarming ceremony. It was remindful to us what a privilege it was to be a Sig Ep, and all the traditions we promised to uphold.
Ahh.. the Rose Garden!  A very special place for various activities.
100 S. Fraternity Court
100 S. Fraternity Court
In 1964, the chapter moved to the new house at 100 S. Fraternity Court.
The Upper level houses 40 men with ten 2-man rooms and five 4-man rooms.  The First level includes a kitchen, a dining-recreation area (70 seat capacity), a living room, a study-library room, an office, a ladies powder room and quarters for a housemother.